Diario Palentino writes about the plantation of fruit trees outside the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias. The Municipality of Palencia was represented by its Counselor of the Environment and the President of the Deputation.
All posts by scream
The local TV station 8 Magazine Palencia reports from the planting of fruit trees outside the University in Palencia >>> “La artista noruega Lise Wulff ha reproducido en el Campus de la Yutera ‘El grito’ de su compatriota Munch. Lo ha hecho con la colaboración de alumnos del instituto […]
The International Climate Congress in Burgos, which lasted from the 3rd to the 5th of March, brought a broad range of people, NGOs, embassies and companies together to discuss the environmental challenges and ways forward. The Scream from Nature was part of the program, and the plating of 700 trees in the […]
Spanish television news reported from the Climate Congress in Burogs. The 3 day congress united environmentalist, NGOs, organizations and companies to discuss the environmental issues and the way forward. As the Scream from Nature and founder Lise Wulff, took part in the program, her eco art project was featured. TV España […]
Our tree planting project in Spain, in collaboration with Un Bosque para el Plantea Tierra, started out today. 30 trees were planted in a park in Soria, as a reminder for us to take care of nature. The event was covered by Spanish news paper Heraldo de Soria.
El Norte de Castilla covered the plantation of fruit trees outside the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias, both with television and in written press.
In collaboration with Un Bosque para el Plantea Tierra, the Scream from Nature visited the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias to talk about the environmental challenges, our role and what we all can do to the best for nature. After the speech, the students and professors planted fruit trees in the […]
700 pupils joined a “screaming day for the environment” at the Colegio de Juan de Vallejo. Lise Wulff gave a speech about her eco-art project the Scream from Nature. After on, there was both a session of screaming for nature, as well as tree planting on the program. All in […]
Our tree planting project in Spain, in collaboration with Un Bosque para el Plantea Tierra, started out today. 30 trees were planted in a park in Soria, as a reminder for us to take care of nature. The event was covered by Spanish news paper Desde Soria. Link to the […]