The Scream from Nature was invited to UNEP’s Governing Council in Nairobi in 2013. As a follow up, United Nations Environment Programme featured artist and founder Lise Wulff at their “Ask an expert”, on using the arts to visualize and conveying a message.
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The 18th-22nd of February 2013, the United Nations Environment Programme’s Governing Council took place. The Scream from Nature was invited to participate. Being UNEP’s first universal Governing Council, 130 countires were represented and 60 Ministers of the Environment from all over the world were present in Nairobi, Kenya. Two Screams from […]
The Scream from Nature and The Gathering have agreed to join forces in 2013, to celebrate Edvard Munch’s 150th anniversary. The celebration will consist of making a huge reproduction of the Scream with a rasterbation technique. The Gathering (TG) is one of the largest computer parties in the world. It is […]
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to support The Scream from Nature, related to the project’s collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme. Artist behind the project, Lise Wulff, will be present at the UNEP’s Governing Council in Nairobi, to carry through several Scream from Nature events. Delegates to the meeting […]
We are proud to join the Partnership for Change network. Partnership for Change is a foundation that seeks to connect, inspire and act for social innovation. By supporting social entrepreneurs with competence, network and funding, Partnership for Change aims for social, financial and environmental sustainability. PfC works to promote cross-sector partnership and social […]
Through Salaby, the Scream from Nature will feature as one of the recommended activities for schools during the celebration year of Edvard Munch’s 150th anniversary, 2013. Salaby is a popular website used in the Norwegian schools. For Munch’s 150th anniversary, they have made special web pages where pupils can experience Munch in four […]
We are honored to announce that the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has decided to work with The Scream from Nature project.