The launch of The Scream from Nature project was covered on Norwegian television >> (go to 8:10 min)
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On the very birthday of Edvard Munch, the 12th of December, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB announced that it will support The Scream from Nature financially. This is an important contribution to make the project move forward. Sparebankstiftelsen DNB – A helping hand for good forces! Sparebankstiftelsen DNB (the DNB Savings […]
The Scream from Nature will be launched Saturday 1st of December, at Rådhusplassen in Oslo. The Mayor of Oslo, Fabian Stang, will be present. Welcome at 16.00! Other persons present are the project leader of Munch150, Elsebet Kjerschow, the general manager of Bellona, Nils Bøhmer, and the secretary-general of Norway Cup, Frode Kyvåg. […]
We are happy to announce our collaboration with Norway Cup. In the year to come, we will work together to make a huge “scream come true”. During the football tournament in July 2013, several thousands football players from all over the world will form the shape of the scream, and […]
Norway’s National Museum and the Munch Museum have decided to include The Scream from Nature in the official program of Munch150. Munch150 is a celebration of Edvard Munchs’s work and significance, related to his 150th anniversary in 2013.