More than 2.000 participated with EducaThyssen
As the first part of the Scream from Nature project in collaboration with Educa Thyssen has come to an end, more than 2.000 people have participated in Spain.
In relation to the exhibition “Edvard Munch. Arquetipos” at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, EducaThyssen and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Madrid invited Lise Wulff and her eco-art project to the museum.
EducaThyssen wanted to make use of the Scream from Nature in their Musaraña program, inviting schools to make their own Screams from Nature to be shown in the entrance hall of the museum. Information in Spanish about the project and how to take part can be found here >>
The first phase of the project lasted until the end of the Edvard Munch exhibition at the museum, the 17th of January. More than 2.000 pupils participated through making creative and powerful Screams from Nature, all presented on screen in the hall of the museum, by the entrance to the Munch exhibition.
The pupils learnt about different environmental issues – check out some of the works here >>> and here >>>