The Scream from Nature was invited to take part in the eco festival #mittgrønneoslo (MyGreenOslo), which took place at the lovely Nedre Foss Park the 3rd of June 2017. Thousands of people visited the activities of some 30 different organizations. In collaboration with Un Bosque para el Planeta Tierra, The […]
Category Archives: Updates
Before the tree plating event outside the visiting center “Centro de Arqueología Experimental” in Atapuerca, there was a reception for the participants, including speeches. The center is part of the Museo de la Evolucion Humana in Burgos, Spain. With the presence of the Embassadors and embassies of Norway, Holland, South-Africa, Italy, […]
- Edvard Munch: Notes, Separation, The Kiss © Munch Museum / Munch-Ellingsen Group / BONO, Oslo 2012
The placement of the Scream from Nature was adjusted to fit into the frame of the terrace, so that the visitors to the Centro de Arqueología Experimental in Atapuerca can see it from above. After putting 700 freshly colored poles in the earth, to mark the right spot for every tree, it […]
In collaboration with Un Bosque para el Plantea Tierra, the Scream from Nature visited the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias to talk about the environmental challenges, our role and what we all can do to the best for nature. After the speech, the students and professors planted fruit trees in the […]
700 pupils joined a “screaming day for the environment” at the Colegio de Juan de Vallejo. Lise Wulff gave a speech about her eco-art project the Scream from Nature. After on, there was both a session of screaming for nature, as well as tree planting on the program. All in […]
The Museum of Human Evolution of Burgos exhibits the findings of the Sierra de Atapuerca excavation site. It is also a research senter and conveys the scientific interpretations of the findings and the theories drawn from them. Within a spectacular and symbolic architecture, the MEH aims at explaining important issues about our past, present […]
As the first part of the Scream from Nature project in collaboration with Educa Thyssen has come to an end, more than 2.000 people have participated in Spain.
We are honored to announce that the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Madrid has decided to support the planting of 700 trees in the shape of the Scream from Nature. The planting will take place in UNESCO world heritage site Atapuerca, and the ambassador Johan Vibe will join in and plant a […]
Exiting tree planting project coming up! We are happy to announce our collaboration with the Spanish environmental NGO, Un Bosque para el Planeta Tierra (A forest for the planet Earth). The organization is aiming at planting trees around the globe, as well as working for cultural exchange between people and nations. Un […]
Related to the exhibition “Edvard Munch. Arquetipos”, The Scream from Nature is included in the Musaraña program of EducaThyssen. People are invited to make their own Screams from Nature, which will be shown in the hall of the museum. Information in Spanish to be found in this video>>>, as well as written here>>> Find inspiration in […]